why taking care of ourselves is the MOST productive

How do you feel when I say - taking care of yourself is productive?

Do you think, yeah... but only if 'taking care of myself' means doing laundry or showering or something that is on my to do list?

Or maybe you push back with... I only do things that are productive. And napping or lounging or reading a book for fun are just things I don't have time for. There aren't enough hours in a day!

But what if taking care of yourself - nurturing yourself, giving yourself breaks, allowing yourself just be without doing anything else - what if that were the MOST productive thing?

Because when we rush and do all day long, it's draining. We exhaust ourselves. We wear ourselves thin so that when we come home or start to unwind, we lose it. Little things impact us in big ways, we lose our cool at the drop of a hat.

Anybody else feel that way?

It's why we get sick - our body needs us to slowwww downnn. It needs us to focus on not what we're doing but HOW we're doing.

So how are you taking care of yourself today and prioritizing that?

I'm choosing to channel my island vibe by giving myself a manicure 💅🏼 and really enjoying the process. How about you? Let me know with an emoji below!

And in case you need a little inspo, think about [mentally] joining us for a cocktail on the beach! Throwing it back to these smiles circa SB2014.

Liesl Drought