the first step to get what you want

Disbelief is the first step in getting what you want.

Yup. I know it might seem counterintuitive, but it's true. Thinking it's not possible for you, that it's too hard, that you can't do it, is actually the first step to getting what you want.

So if you're feeling like you just don't know how to get what you want or if you're feeling frantic, confused or overwhelmed about going after your goal, take a deep breath. You're already crushing step one.

Because there are three stages of belief.

1. Disbelief

  • Focusing on the question "HOW?"

  • "There's no way in hell I could do that"

  • "I'm missing something"

  • "I don't know"

  • Feels impossible

2. Curiosity

  • Focusing on the question "WHAT IF?"

  • "What little thing could I try next?"

  • "Let me figure this out and/or ask for help"

  • "What do I know?" 

  • Feels possible

3. Belief

  • Focusing on what it would feel like to already have the goal accomplished

  • "I can do this"

  • "Everything, even my failures, are a step in the right direction"

  • "It's already happening"

  • Feels inevitable

So there is so much power in step one, there is so much power in disbelief. Because in order to get things you've never had, you have to do things you've never done.

Or, as my coach Stacey so nicely put it - of course we don't believe we can do the things outside our comfort zones - we've never done them before (that's why they're outside our comfort zones)!

So let's show ourselves some compassion and grace when we're feeling like our big scary goals are just that - big and scary.

Because just the mere fact that you want something (even if it feels impossible right now) means that you can go get it.

That promotion. Finding your passion. Switching industries. Leaving your job. Loving your job. Starting your own business. Growing your business to new heights. Finding a life partner. Making new friends. Creating (and sticking to) boundaries. Reconnecting with your family. Trusting yourself. Feeling loved, liked and enough. Living a life that's authentically you.

You can have it all.

How do I know? Because I used to think each of these things were impossible for me too. I've been in your shoes.

But all of these things came true for me. And it taught me the one thing I know for sure, which is that when you want something, you can 100% go get it, even if it doesn't feel possible now. All you have to do is manage your mind and move through these three stages of belief.

And when you do that, every single time, you will accomplish what you want.

Still don't believe me? I get it. That's what happens when we're in disbelief - we'll keep saying "there's no way!" or "but how on earth could I do that?" So let's dig into this more together.

Because moving through these stages isn't easy. It takes effort. But when you have the right system, support and accountability through coaching, it makes it so much easier and you move through the stages so much faster. (This is why, as a coach, I will always have a coach - this work is just so powerful!)

So if you're really wanting to accomplish your goal but you're stuck in disbelief, here's the link to my calendar to schedule your free consult. We'll talk about your specific goal and what is getting in the way so we can create a plan to get you what you want.

Because the fact that you don't believe it's possible actually means that you can totally accomplish your goal. And that my friend, is our power. Come harness it with me.