linkedin profile tips

I've got some LinkedIn job search tips for you today! [save this for your reference]
1️⃣the first thing recruiters see on your LinkedIn besides your name is your title. So titles on Linkedin are important. You want your title to be the title of the roles you're applying for, not necessarily your technical title at your current company. We want a recruiter to know you're a good fit for their role when they look at your profile. For example, when I moved into HR without any experience in it, I put my title as "transitioning into Human Resources." Make sure your title makes sense with the type of roles you're applying for.
2️⃣ The body of your LinkedIn profile is where you show what you've done - just like your resume. You can even copy and paste from your resume into your profile. You want detail here. This helps recruiters find you and learn more about you to see that you're a good fit. Using keywords that hiring managers are using in job descriptions is super helpful here too!
3️⃣ another easy way to get recruiters coming to you is to update your skills. Choose the skills that are most important to the type of job you're applying for and add them to your list. You can even pin the ones that are top of mind for you so they'll show up at the top of the list.
Do you have other LinkedIn questions? Other job search questions? Let me know below.
And if all of this is stressing you out, no worries! I got you. Come do a complimentary 90 minute consult with me and we'll break down exactly where you're getting stuck.
Because if you want a new job, now is the perfect time to get it. And I can help. Rooting for you always!

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Liesl Drought