giving ourselves permission

Sometimes we don't do what we want to do.

We say "yes" when we really want to say "no." We feel like we have to do xyz. We feel like we should, so we do.

Often we don't do what we want because we think we need someone to tell us that it's okay to do it. We're used to our parents, our teachers, our bosses, our spouses giving us the go-ahead. And we forget that we have the power to give ourselves that permission.

We can approve ourselves. We can give ourselves the permission slip.

And I know it's tough. When we're used to getting outside approval and validation from others, it's tough to just go for it alone. It's tough to go against the grain, it's tough to go against what we think we should do.

And yet, what are we missing out on by looking around for approval before taking action?

Can we give ourselves that permission today to do what we want instead of what we think we 'should' do?

I'm going for it. Right now, I'm choosing to take a nap. I'm giving myself permission to prioritize taking care of myself rather than getting my whole to do list done.

And I know I can give myself permission to do that. Even though sometimes it's hard not to feel weak for needing a nap, I know I'll do better work when I'm in the zone. And it's hard to be in the zone when you're tired.

So here's my permission slip. What are you going to give yourself permission to do today?

Liesl Drought