big change in baby steps

Sometimes we buy into the idea that we need to bring about big change. That we need to make this grand gesture or big jump in order for the change to be impactful. That it's not worth the effort if it's not 'perfect' or a big grandiose change.

But I've learned that small changes make the longest lasting differences. That little hinges swing big doors. Deciding to smile and greet people as I walk by was one of those small changes that made a big difference for me.

To paint the picture for you, I was in a job I really didn't like. I felt siloed, alone in my cubical all day. The building was expansive. I'll admit I never really learned my way around the place, and I'm really good with directions. The place was so big that you kept to your spot. But I would trek to the lunch room every day, buy my lunch and return to my small, sad cubicle. And as I made my daily hike to lunch, I noticed everyone I passed had their head down. No one was smiling.

And suddenly I realized, we were all making the lunch run together. We were all moving together. We were all in this together, but why didn't it feel that way?

I will admit, I had little human interaction in that job. And maybe that's what prompted this, because I honestly just craved more connection. Because suddenly, I started smiling at everyone who passed me. If they looked up in my direction, I'd say hello. If not, I'd just silently wish that they have the best day.

And it changed my day overnight. I was suddenly really excited to take my lunch walk. I was suddenly feeling better. I felt connected to the people around me. I felt lighter.

And this is a change I've carried with me for almost 3 years. It's probably one of the easiest shifts I've ever done, but it brings me so much joy. And I've had people stop me and say it's the first time someone has acknowledged them that day. And I've had people ignore me too, but hey, I don't mind. I know we're all on this road together.

Liesl Drought