why we think this one thing will solve our problems

It's easy to buy into the idea that if we just had this one thing, everything else would be okay.

If we just had the right job, if we just had a million dollars, if we just had the right house, partner, friends, body type, whatever.

We think that having the thing will change everything. Then we can and will be happy.

But we know people who have our dream job that are miserable. We know people who have a million dollars and are still reaching for more. We know people who have all the things and are still thinking, "if I could just..."

Because, I'll let you in on a little secret - having the thing doesn't make you happy. Or confident. Or relaxed.

Have you ever accomplished a goal and then immediately thought, "okay, what's next?" Have you ever gotten what you thought you wanted, but it just wasn't enough? Have you landed a job to find that, whoops, the grass wasn't actually greener?

Yeah? Me too. And this is why. Because those external things - the job, the money, the fame, whatever - is all just external. It doesn't change you. It doesn't change who you are. It doesn't change how you feel. At least not long-term.

But you know what does? You. Learning how to use your thoughts to help you, rather than beating yourself up. Learning how to see the good, rather than constantly critiquing the bad. Learning how to take back your power to be the hero in your own life. Retraining your brain so you can escape the negative spiral.

So what would it take for you to be happy, confident and relaxed today? What could you do that would make you feel that way (without the job, the money, the fame or whatever)? Give me an emoji below!

. . . 📷 : @kelsielynn_photography

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Liesl Drought