resume top tips

Here are my resume top tips! 👇🏽

✨focus on your value

Interviewers don't need to just see your job descriptions, they want to see the impact that you had in your roles. Why did you do the work you were doing? What was the outcome? Even if it seems obvious, we want to highlight it. Phrases like "in order to" are awesome to use here. For example - maybe you trained new hires. Elaborate on that in your resume... "Trained new hires in order to ensure cohesive company culture" is way more powerful. I know you continue to have huge impact in your roles, we just want to highlight that!

✨add in all the data - quantify it

Numbers are powerful and impressive. They paint a picture of what you're used to and what you can handle. So for our example, how many new hires did you train? Include that in your resume. If you know (or can guesstimate) how much money the company has saved or grown with you around, include that. How many projects do you work on at a time or in a quarter? We want to add all that info.

✨tailor your resume for every job application

Don't just have one resume you use for every job application. Because before your resume will see human eyes, it'll go through a computer program first. That computer is programmed to decide if you're a good fit based on the words in your resume. It doesn't know synonyms, it can't read between the lines. You need to make it obvious to the computer that you're a good fit. You do this by using the key words in the job description. I used to go through and highlight every word that I thought was important in the job description and see if I could fit it into my resume. I help my clients do this now.

These changes will help you get interviews.

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Liesl Drought