feeling in a funk

Have you been feeling off recently? Like maybe you just want to hang out and skip work and not do anything? Well, not do anything besides maybe binge your favorite show on Netflix?

Yeah? Me too. Full disclosure, recently, I've been in a funk. In that state, I didn't feel like myself. I felt just blahhhh. Anybody else there too?

And this time, I decided to try something different. Instead of getting upset about being in a funk, I got my hands on all kinds of info on how to ditch that funky feeling. I listened to podcasts, read books and articles on the topic. And then I put what I was learning to work - and applied it to my life.

And after learning from multiple gurus, I distilled allll the info for getting out of funk. And it really comes down to four steps. Yup, only four steps.

And I want to share them with you, because it changed my life. So if you're in a funk right now, check it out.

Liesl Drought