effort doesn't create success

So often we think effort is how we get to success.
If we just work hard enough, we'll get what we want.
But think about it - does that actually work?
So often I find the moment we stop trying so hard is the moment when it all comes together.
Because what you want isn't just on your shoulders. The Universe helps you out with it too.
And it makes sense - when we want something so badly, of course we do all we can to make it happen.
But it doesn't work that way. There's a bit of magic needed for it all to come together - and that's out of your control.
Which on some days will suck. But when it comes together, it'll blow your mind.
A recruiter looking at your resume.
Your dream company having an opening.
More clients coming through your door.
A birth mom picking you.
Meeting someone. Opportunities. All of it.
We have to leave room for the magic.
Do I wish that we could just effort and get it? Yeah, sometimes I do. Especially when we're having a hard day or wish it would just get here already. I'm with you.
But knowing that it's not all up to your effort can be really calming too - you don't have to do it all alone. You don't have to try so hard. You don't have to do it the perfect one right way. It will still happen. It's all coming together - in ways you might not even see.
Just because you can't force it or work hard to make it happen, doesn't mean it's not happening. If you want it, you can have it. You have these desires for a reason.
And I'm here to help you get it.
Without killing yourself for it. Without working so hard you burnout. I'm here to teach your brain how to feel safe with a little magic, how to trust yourself and your ability to get it. Join me with the link in bio. I got you. Let's create together.

Liesl Drought